Smooth Sailing vs Shipwrecked
Running a cross country race is much like going sailing. Sometimes the seas are calm, sometimes the seas are rough, and sometimes the...
Olympic Conference Championship
Our first official race at Dream Park. Luckily the course had dried out a bit, but the wind and dust made this race a challenging one. We...
Burlington County Open Recap:
Well the dust settled on another day at Millcreek park, and we for once had awesome cross country weather. In both the JV rave and the...
Athletes of the Week
Athletes of the Week Cross Country: Nicole Clifford Riley Gleason Adriana Sommese Alyssa Blackmon Emma DellaFemina
The time is upon us
It starts with the Burlington County Open and then progresses from there. The rest of the meets this season have a little more importance...
Is this year’s team going to be great? What makes a team great? In cross country, it is often the work done in June, July and August that...
Happy Father’s Day
Today is the day where we reflect upon honoring our fathers. I am truly blessed having grown up with a father that took time to teach me...
Rocket Science?
So a bunch of engineers were working on a problem at NASA and the main guy in charge said, "come on guys this isn't rocket science." Just...
The New Norm
The New Norm So the Eagles have finally done it. How hard is it to get a team to the super bowl and win? For life long Eagles fans you...
State Group 4
The State Group 4 Championship meet was one of the coldest that I can remember in the past few years. This meet was bitter sweet for us...